Performance-based building product testing and accreditation is a critical piece of just about every aspect of construction—affecting everyone from the manufacturer to the installer and ultimately to the owner and occupant. These certifications ensure real-world property loss will be prevented and provides protection when certified products are installed correctly.
With roofing being such a vital part of any building project, roofing manufacturers must take certifications for roofing products (in this case, metal roofing products) very seriously. Below, we’ll give a brief overview of the main certifications that we—and other metal roofing companies—test to and are audited for in order for the overseeing bodies to confirm that we’re producing what we’re testing it to. In the simplest terms, these specifications, such as UL or FM, will give the contractor peace of mind that he or she can provide what is spec’d.
At MBCI, we have several certifications through which we have ratings. These include:
1. UL (Underwriters Laboratories).
UL certifies roofing materials and roof assemblies for fire performance, hail resistance and/or resistance to wind uplift. Roof deck assemblies are investigated for performance under internal fire exposures and for uplift resistance. MBCI does a good deal of testing and we have UL constructions for many of our roofing products. We get the UL construction number, impact ratings and fire ratings. UL does quarterly audits in the manufacturing areas to make sure that we’re producing the panels the way we test.
2. IAS (International Accreditation Service) certification.
IAS accreditation programs are based on recognized national and international standards that ensure acceptance of its accreditations. To meet this standard, MBCI is “Part B” of the process, as we are responsible for the components. The auditor comes in to certify that we do what we say we do. Once IAS accreditation requirements are met, the company receives a certificate of accreditation.
3. FM (Factory Mutual) approvals.
MBCI has three roofing products that are FM approved for wind uplift standards, hail resistance, internal and external fire ratings. For each, we test the product and FM comes out yearly to do an audit.

4. Dade County roofing product approvals.
Miami-Dade and Broward Counties are classified as High Velocity Hurricane Zones (HVHZ), which are rated as 150 mph plus winds. It is Florida’s highest rating. An updated testing approval process has been instituted for building products and materials used in these counties. The purpose is to mitigate damage caused by wind-borne debris resulting from hurricane-force winds. MBCI does testing and this stringent certification is applicable for anything that ships into Dade County or Broward County in Florida. Product Notice of Acceptance can be located on the Miami-Dade website for roof and wall panel systems that are Dade County approved.
Safety and performance are the most important goals. All in all, these certifications ensure that we, the manufacturer, are doing our job and that customers are getting everything they’re paying for. For more information on MBCI’s product testing, please contact a sales representative.