Cool Roof Systems

Improve the energy efficiency and sustainability of your next building project by choosing a cool metal roof. MBCI’s cool metal roofing absorbs less of the sun’s light and lowers the heat that is retained by the steel roof panels.

What Are Cool Metal Roofs?

Cool Roofs use coatings with known radiative properties that are specified to keep the roof surface temperature lower than uncoated or traditional roofing materials during peak sun times. For specific information about the radiative properties of our colors, consult our listings in the respective databases on the Cool Roof Rating Council (CRRC) website.

Cool Roof Data Chart

Benefits of Cool Roof Systems

The biggest advantage to choosing a cool metal roof for your building is sustainability. Make your building greener by choosing an energy efficient and cost saving metal roof. Other than lowering your energy bills there are some other advantages to cool metal roof systems:

Cooling Energy Savings in Southern States– For more information on energy savings afforded by Cool Roofs, consult the Oak Ridge National Laboratories (ORNL) Cool Roof Savings Calculator.

Urban Heat Island Effect Mitigation– Cool metal roofing helps Urban Heat Island Mitigation efforts. For more information on Urban Heat Island mitigation, consult the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories (LBNL) Heat Island Group Website.

Cool Roofing is commonly specified in energy code or green building rating systems. Listing programs — such as the Cool Roof Rating Council (CRRC) — keep records of these properties for verification and public referral.

Cool Roofing Measurements

The energy savings for metal roofs are important to consider. The features of cool metal roofs to consider are:

  • Solar reflectance is how well the roof reflects solar energy.
  • Thermal emissivity is how much energy is released by the roof after it has been absorbed.
  • Solar reflectance index (SRI) is a measurement of how much a roof’s temperature will rise when in contact with solar energy.


Cool Metal Roofing Coatings & Color Options

Choosing the right colors for your steel panels will further improve your roof’s energy efficiency. Many of our color options help reflect the solar energy off the roof. With the right combination of coating and color choice, you can create a metal roof that is sustainable and energy efficient. Some ideal colors for your metal roofing panels include:

  • Bone White
  • Polar White
  • Snow White


For more resources about MBCI’s cool roof color options and solar reflectance indexes or if you are interested in learning more about our cool metal roofing connect with us today!

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