A Common Misconception About Determining Thermal Resistance

metal roofing r value
Photo courtesy of the U.S. Department of Energy

As an architect, you’re required to design a building’s wall to meet the code-required R-value (or U-factor) in the International Energy Conservation Code. So you design the wall and add up the manufacturer-stated R-values of the components.  Done, right? That method only makes sense if walls have no joints, seams, windows, or doors! Let’s think about this.

Accounting for Thermal Discontinuities

The manufacturer-stated R-value of an insulated metal panel (IMP) should really be the R-value in the center portion of the panel, if the manufacturer uses terminology consistent with ASHRAE 90.1. However, a wall is made up of many IMPs, and there are joints between the IMPs.  We’ve all seen the infrared photos showing the heat loss at joints between panelized anything—plywood, insulation boards…and IMPs. The joints between each and every IMP are thermal discontinuities, commonly called thermal bridges. These are locations where the R-value is not what you read in the manufacturer’s literature. There are also metal clips and attachments that reduce the R-value of the IMP wall system. If you’re designing a wall system, don’t specify the R-value of the panel and assume it is the R-value of the wall system!

Calculating the R-Value of a Complete IMP System

A building owner deserves a wall that meets or exceeds the code-required minimum R-value or U-factor. The mechanical engineer needs to properly size the building’s mechanical systems based on the ‘real’ characteristics of the building envelope.

Let’s put some numbers behind this idea. Let’s consider a 42 inch-wide panel, 2 inches thick, with a stated R-value of 12. The outer surface of the panel is close to the exterior temperature—say 30 degrees. The metal wraps through the joint, decreasing the temperature of a portion of the metal on the backside of the panel everywhere there is a joint. Clearly this reduces the overall R-value of the IMP as a system.  Let’s estimate that the thermal bridging effect of the joints reduces the R-value 5 inches along the edges of the panels to an R-6. That means 30 inches of the panel has an R-12, and 10 inches of the panel has an R-6. That calculates to an average R-value of 10.5 for the panel overall, which is more than a 12% loss of R-value. This is why blindly using the famous equation of R=1/U is dangerous. That equation is only true if the R-value and U-factor involved are consistent with how thermal bridging is or isn’t represented.

U-Factor Testing for Higher Accuracy

It’s clear that the panel joints are thermal bridges, but the extent of loss is really an educated guess. But there is a solution! The forward-thinking IMP manufacturers are performing U-factor testing and finite element modeling, and that includes joints between panels. The U-factor testing is a more accurate determination of thermal resistance.

As an architect designing the wall system, if you use stated R-values, recognize that you’ll need to account for the loss of R-value because of the joints. Or, simply specify panels whose manufacturers are determining the U-factor for their IMPs!

Wellness and Envelopes: Four Ways Single Skin & Insulated Metal Panels Keep Us Healthy



Is there a connection between building design and human health?

We know the answer must be yes, but figuring out how the connection works is the job of experts like the team behind the WELL Building Standard®, a new certification that takes on the question. Among the solutions that can help make a building better? Metal roofing and siding, according to many healthy building experts.

First, let’s learn about WELL. According to the International WELL Building Institute, the WELL Building Standard “takes a holistic approach to health in the built environment addressing behavior, operations and design.” Their performance-based system measures and monitors such building features as air, water, nourishment, light, fitness, comfort, and mind. Two ratings have been offered: WELL Certified™ spaces and WELL Core and Shell Compliant™ developments. Done properly, these “improve the nutrition, fitness, mood, sleep patterns, and performance of occupants.”

Pilot programs are currently available for retail, multifamily residential, educational, restaurants and commercial kitchens projects. In many of these projects, the use of metal claddings and insulated metal panels (IMPs) is recommended by many health-focused professionals. Why?

1. Occupant comfort

IMPs tend to have excellent R-values and very good thermal efficiency – including long-term thermal resistance, or LTTR, a key measure of how the building will perform over time. For the wellness factor from pure thermal comfort, IMPs are highly effective over conventional construction.

2. Nourishment of people and earth

IMPs are often made with recycled metals and improve the energy performance of the building. With energy cost savings ranging from 5 percent to 30 percent, they cut the carbon footprint of the facility. Plus the interior and exterior skins include up to 35 percent recycled content – and they are 100 percent recyclable – reducing impact on the global carbon load.

3. Daylight for all.

Using metal roofs with skylights or light-transmitting panels in conjunction with integrated dimming lighting is a highly cost-effective strategy, and IMP systems also have integrated window systems that increase available sunlight within building interiors. Light is essential for healthy buildings, and daylight is the best kind of all.

In addition, because rigid insulation per inch offers more R-value than per inch of fiberglass insulation and IMPs have metal liner skins, day-lighting fixtures such as light tubes can be integrated more easily with these roofs.

4. Proper moisture and air control.

Issues such as leaky walls and wet, moldy construction materials are anathema to wellness, and must be controlled for healthy building certifications. Mold has a negative impact on indoor air quality and indoor environmental quality, and one of the main culprits is trapped moisture. This can also corrode the metal studs and furring members, even if they are galvanized, leading to structural issues such as reduced fastener pullout resistance and leaks.

How Does a Building Become WELL Certified?

IMPs used as either rainscreens or as sealed barrier walls backing up a rainscreen are shown to protect against moisture issues and mold over time. They also serve as a continuous layer of insulation and air barrier. In this way, the single-component system can eliminate the need “for air barriers, gypsum sheathing, fiberglass insulation, vapor barriers, and other elements of a traditional multicomponent wall system,” says one industry executive. In fact, many masonry buildings are being upgraded with IMP retrofits on the exterior, directly over the old concrete, brick or stone.

All of these traits of IMPs certainly contribute to more healthy buildings, but do they add up to WELL Building certification levels, such as Silver, Gold or Platinum?

To get there, building teams must undergo an on-site WELL Commissioning process with rigorous post-occupancy performance testing of all the features. If it meets the “preconditions” — the WELL features necessary for baseline certification — WELL Certification is given. If the team pursues “optimization features,” the higher levels of achievement are granted.

Fire Resistance of Metal Panel Roof Systems

Fire Resistance of Metal RoofsMetal is inherently fire resistant.  The codes acknowledge that; however, certain limits are placed on metal’s fire resistance when used as part of a metal roof system.

Metal panels transfer heat very well—they get hot quickly and give up heat quickly.  And, in many cases, there is a building component (roof deck, framing) directly under metal panels.  Metal roof systems are required to be fire classified because of the concern about the combustibility of the materials under the metal panels.

Fire Resistance Classifications

The 2012 and 2015 IBC, in Section 1505 of Chapter 15, states that fire classification of roof assemblies is based on two tests—ASTM E108 and UL 790—that are fundamentally identical.  Each requires a spread of flame test and a burning brand test.  Tested roof systems are fire classified Class A, B, or C, where the most fire-resistant roof assemblies are Class A, and Class C is least resistant.

Building Code Fire Resistance Requirements

Building codes establish fire resistance requirements for roofs based on the type of construction (e.g., concrete/steel, wood) for the building.  A common misconception about roofs’ fire ratings is that building codes require Class A.  Not true—the IBC does not require Class A roof assemblies for any type of construction!  Only roofs on buildings located in wildfires zones (e.g., Southern California) will likely be mandated to be Class A.  (It is worth mentioning here that the vast majority of low- and steep-slope roof systems sold and installed in the U.S. are Class A.)

The building code lists a number of roof types deemed to be Class A (in other words, testing is not required).  Appropriately, metal panels are included: ferrous (steel) and copper shingles or sheets, metal sheets, and shingles on noncombustible decks (e.g., steel, concrete—not wood), or on noncombustible framing where a deck is not included (e.g., directly over metal purlins).  The key is that the deck or framing is noncombustible.

If metal panels are installed over combustible decks, the assembly needs to be tested using ASTM E108 or UL 790.   An exception for combustible decks is that 16 oz./sq. ft. copper (or thicker) can be installed over combustible decks and be considered Class A without testing.

Building with Fire Safety in Mind

The code requirements for fire resistance of metal panels are logical and not overly burdensome.  Most metal panel manufacturers have tested their roof assemblies, and most, if not all, metal panels and shingles can be used in Class A fire-rated roof systems.

Codes: More than the IBC and IRC

IBC IRC CodeWe all know to look to IBC Chapter 15 and IRC Chapter 9 for information about roof systems.  These two “Roof Assemblies and Rooftop Structures” chapters include the requirements for fire, wind, impact, materials, and reroofing.  But did you know the scope of the building code (IBC Section 101.4) references additional model codes that are considered to be part of the requirements of the IBC?  From a roofing perspective, this scoping reference brings into play the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) and the International Existing Building Code (IEBC).

The creators of the model codes are attempting to ensure that buildings (and roofs, in our case) are designed and built according to the most recent model codes even if they haven’t been specifically adopted by a state or local jurisdiction.  If a jurisdiction adopts and enforces the 2015 IBC, by reference the 2015 IECC and 2015 IEBC are in effect.

How do 2015 IECC and 2015 IEBC affect roofs?
The IECC Commercial Provisions include energy efficiency requirements for the same buildings for which IBC Chapter 15 roofing requirements are required.  The IECC includes minimum insulation, air barrier, and reflectivity requirements for building envelopes.  Prescriptive R-values and U-values are provided for roofs, and they are based on climate zone, metal buildings, and attics.  Minimum levels of solar reflectance and thermal emittance are required for low-slope roofs on buildings with air-conditioning in climate zones 1, 2 and 3.

Air barriers—used to reduce or eliminate air leakage—are required for new construction.  These are based on materials, systems, or the whole building.  Sheet steel and aluminum are listed as materials that meet the air barrier requirements.  Of course, the joints and seams are critical to the effectiveness of metal roofing panels when considered to be air barriers.  When reroofing, air barrier requirements are not triggered, which is significant.  But the insulation requirements are triggered.

Roofing and structural considerations
The 2015 IEBC includes sections about reroofing (Section 706, which is new in the 2015 IEBC) and structural considerations (Section 707).  The IEBC divides “Alterations” of buildings into three types: Levels I, II and III.  A level I alteration includes the removal and replacement of existing materials.  Reroofing is a level I alteration, which triggers the requirements of Chapter 7.  The Structural section includes a requirement to upgrade a wind-resisting roof diaphragm when more than 50 percent of the roof is removed where the design wind speed is greater than 115 mph, and in special wind zones.  While these are small portions of the United States, it’s important to understand this requirement.

Build roofs with the full scope in mind
Look beyond the roofing chapters to ensure that you design and build buildings according to the most recent building codes.

Ventilation for Steep-Slope Roofs


Ventilation can be a confusing topic.  What is the purpose of ventilation?  Is ventilation required for all types of roofs?  What do the model codes require?

What is Ventilation?

Ventilation, when done properly, removes heat and moisture from traditional attics and from rafter spaces.  The removal of heat and moisture is necessary for buildings to operate efficiently and not deteriorate prematurely.  Ideally, an attic should be the same temperature and have the same humidity level as the exterior.  Convective ventilation—natural air flow from eave to ridge—means air comes in at the eaves and is exhausted at the ridge, taking the heat and moisture with it.  Importantly, ventilation is outboard of the insulation layer for the home or building.

Ventilation Requirements

The IRC and IBC have very similar requirements, found in the 2015 IBC, Section 1203 and the 2015 IRC, Section R806.  Ventilation is not tied to the type of roof system installed, as some believe.  Because ventilation improves the overall performance of a building, regardless of roof type, ventilation is required when steep-slope metal roofs are installed.

The amount of ventilation is based on the floor area of the attic.  The ventilating area should be at least 1/150 of the floor area.  Ventilation amounts can be reduced to 1/300 if half of the ventilation is at the eave and half at the ridge.  This allows the convective flow to work efficiently, allowing the reduction in the total ventilation amount.  In climate zones 6, 7, and 8 (i.e., the northern third of the US), an air barrier is required at the ceiling level in order to use the reduced amount of ventilation (i.e., 1/300).  A vapor retarder reduces the amount of moisture that can accumulate in the attic space; therefore, less ventilation is needed and required.

Because the model codes discuss ventilation only for attics and enclosed rafter spaces, the requirements are necessary only for steep-slope roofs.  Low-slope roof systems are not installed over attics or cathedral ceilings; therefore, the requirements for ventilation aren’t triggered when a low-slope roof is installed. Not because of the low-slope roof, but because there isn’t an attic or a cathedral ceiling.

Is ventilation in your scope of work?  In nearly all situations, the metal panel installer will install the ventilation components at the ridge.  And, unless the ventilation at the eave can remain in place, the installer should take the opportunity to install the ventilation components at the eave.  Eave ventilation can easily be made of metal, and can be an “add” to your scope of work for new and replacement roofs.

Understand ventilation requirements, improve long-term performance, and expand your scope of work.

Part III – Transparency Plus Consensus: A Win-Win for Everyone

Part III transparency plus consensusIt has been a long time since my last blog on this subject. This is not only because I’ve been busy but also because the landscape of green building programs in general has changed significantly since Part II, and I wanted to wait to see how things shook out before I wrote something that might be immediately outdated. If you remember, we left off in Part II talking about how LEED, the most popular green building program in the US, has not been developed through an ANSI accredited consensus process. Furthermore, the resulting lack of transparency was dubiously ironic given that LEED demands a high level of transparency from building product manufacturers min the latest version of their program, LEED v4.

We also discussed the related but more general movement for manufacturers to fully disclose all of the ingredients in their products to a third party who then compares that list to lists of known hazardous substances and disclose any matches on a product label or public disclosure for all to see. This movement has been fueled by several large architecture firms sending letters to building product manufacturers threatening to stop specifying their products unless they participate. Although most manufactures agree that there is merit to disclosure and are anxious to participate in a fair program, they have not been privy to discussions regarding the logistics of such a program nor have they been allowed to participate in any kind of a standard development governing the disclosure process. This makes manufacturers reluctant to participate, given their vulnerability in such a situation. This risk is leveraged by the fact that currently the only standards that dictate the rules of such a program are under the control of consortiums who have little to no scientific expertise and, frankly, have not been friendly to the building products industry in the past.

I also mentioned that there are alternative programs to LEED that have been developed through a valid consensus process. Specifically, the International Green Construction Code (IgCC), ASHRAE 189.1 and Green Building Assessment Protocol for Commercial Buildings (also known as Green Globes) are ANSI standards that outline the relevant requirements for anyone to view. However, the USGBC marketing machine and resulting popularity of LEED prevented wide use of these standards. Thus, they remained largely unutilized. That is until this year, when the USGBC, IgCC and ASHRAE signed a Memorandum of Understanding, promising to work together and create a favorable consensus by eliminating duplication of provisions and assigning an area of responsibility for each group to maintain separately.

Although no documents have yet to be created, it appears that the administration and enforcement provisions of the new standard will come from the IgCC, and the technical content will come from ASHRAE 189.1, both of which are consensus based. Meanwhile, LEED will require compliance with 189.1 as a prerequisite to an upcoming interim version of LEED. This approach allows an Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) to adopt the IgCC as a minimum standard of construction; dropping any reference to LEED they might currently have as minimum project requirements for all buildings. This leaves LEED to evolve as a completely voluntary program going forward and push the envelope of green building, which is their core mission. Meanwhile, Green Globes remains ANSI accredited and still exists as a commercial competitor to LEED. This environment should result in a more user friendly application process, the lack of which been a ubiquitous criticism of LEED for years, because Green Globes is much more user-oriented.

So, it appears that the most popular green building programs are poised to move in the
direction of a true consensus, which is fantastic news for everyone involved. However, the creation and development of disclosure programs, which will not be in the initial technical requirements provided by ASHRAE 189.1, remains largely a one-sided affair with no seat for manufacturers at the table. Besides the contentious nature of the subject in general, there are major philosophical questions that have to be addressed before Health Product Declarations (HPDs), or any type of disclosure in general, can be brought into the main stream. That subject is beyond the scope of this blog, but I encourage you to read a very good article on the trappings of HPDs called “Disclosure: The Newest Dimension of Green Building” by Jim Hoff.

The good news is that there may be a viable alternative to HPDs on the horizon. ASTM has a current open work item to develop a true consensus based standard guiding the issuance of a Product Transparency Declaration (PTD), which has much the same intent as an HPD. As discussed in Part I, the development of ASTM standards is a highly transparent process that allows everyone, including manufacturers, to come to the table. I encourage every designer to join ASTM and get involved in this process, especially those firms who participated in the letter writing campaign, and forgo HPDs until PTDs are available.

Yes, it will take a little longer; the reality that the development of consensus based standards takes time. But just like the development of the laws that govern this country, there is far too much risk involved in getting it wrong. Instead, having these standards developed by a consensus-based process is the only way the finished product will be truly useful and meaningful.

Rooftop Solar Energy

Solar panels on metal roof

The “Sustainability begets resilience” blog ended with a nod to rooftop energy production. So, how will you respond when, not if, a building owner asks you about rooftop solar energy? An appropriate and accurate answer is, “The combination of a metal roof and solar energy is a recipe for a long-term, high-performance roof system,” or something like that. The fact is a metal panel roof is an ideal substrate for a solar energy system.

Installation Methods

Solar energy is the broad term for two sub-categories: photovoltaic (PV) systems (electricity) and solar thermal (hot water) systems. Besides the obvious differences, the rooftop attachment concepts for both systems are quite similar. PV panels and solar thermal panels are commonly rigid with metal frames. Attachment to metal roofing panels can be direct or include rails. Both methods use a customized clip that attaches to the metal roofing panel seam; then, metal-framed PV panels or rails are attached. The need for rails (think “purlins”) depends on the seam spacing and layout of the roof panels relative to the size and layout of the PV or solar thermal panels. Overall roof slope matters, too. Directly attached solar energy systems match the slope of the roof, which is not necessarily the optimum slope for energy production.

Structural & Performance Requirements

Other considerations include the structural load, fire resistance, wind resistance and the use of code-approved materials and components. A solar energy system adds weight to the roof. Does the structure need updating to carry the gravity load as well as any increased wind uplift loads? Adding panels to the roof will increase the sliding load (i.e., drag load) on the clips holding the roof panels to the substructure. And let’s not forget about the potential for snow retention or increased snowdrifts that will add weight.

Fire and wind resistance should be discussed with the manufacturer or designer of the PV or solar thermal system. Fire and wind design are incredibly important, and there are very specific code requirements to meet.

Layout Considerations

Rooftop layout of solar systems, especially PV, should not block drainage or impede roof maintenance. Also, clearance at roof perimeters and access to critical roof areas (e.g., drains, rooftop units) is necessary. Last but certainly not least, check with the metal panel roof system manufacturer about warranty issues regarding a rooftop solar energy installation.

While there are many things to consider when installing solar energy systems on roofs, the long service life of metal panels and the ease of installation certainly make metal roofs and solar energy a great combination!

Sustainability Begets Resiliency…In Practice

McMahaon Centennial Complex, Cameron University

Sustainability is the buzzword started by USGBC that is pushing us to design and build environmentally friendly buildings.  And that’s a good thing.  However, from a practical—and roofing—standpoint, what we can most readily do with roofs is design them to be resilient.  Roof system resiliency is the tangible aspect of sustainability that the “regular” population can get their heads around.  Resiliency—the ability to bounce back—is understandable.

Loosely speaking, a resilient building can withstand an extreme weather event and remain habitable and useful.  It follows that a resilient roof system is one that can withstand an extreme weather event and continue to perform and provide shelter.

What makes a metal roof system resilient?  It needs to be tough and durable, wind and impact resistant, highly insulated and appropriately reflective, and perhaps be a location for energy production.

An extreme weather event typically means high winds.  A resilient metal roof system needs to withstand above-code wind events.  Remember, codes are minimum design requirements; there is nothing stopping us from designing metal panel roofs above code requirements!  If a building is located in a 120 mph wind zone, increase the design/increase the attachment as if it were in a 140 mph wind zone.  And, very importantly, increasing the wind resistance of the edge details is critical to the wind resistance of a roof system.

Toughness is important.  Increasing the thickness of a metal panel roof system increases resistance to impacts and very likely increases service life (of the metal panel, at least).  Tough and durable seams are important, too.  A double-lock standing seam is one of the best seam types for metal roofs.  A little bit of extra effort at the seam can go a long way for durability, weatherproofing, and longevity.

Highly insulated and appropriately reflective are also traits of resiliency.  High R-value means less thermal transfer across the roof assembly.  Two layers, staggered or crisscrossed, provide a thermally efficient insulation layer.  Using thermal breaks between the metal panels and the metal substructure adds to the thermal efficiency.  Reflective roofs help reduce heat transfer through the roof assembly.  The effectiveness of a roof’s color and reflectivity to save energy depends on many items, such as location, stories, and building type.

Enhanced wind resistance, improved impact resistance and toughness, high R-value, and reflectivity and color are passive design elements that increase the resiliency of a building’s rooftop.  And let’s not forget that rooftop energy production can provide electricity to critical components of a building, such as a freezer section of a grocery store.  Hurricane Sandy put resiliency on the public radar; resilient buildings are here to stay.

Fall Maintenance for Metal Roofs

Yes, it is still summer, but it is not too early to start thinking about fall maintenance.  The sooner you contact your network of building owners, the sooner you’ll be able to schedule and get paid for performing maintenance this fall. MBCI's Stormproof Panel

Do You Have Maintenance Agreements in Place?

Let’s take a step back. Why don’t you have a maintenance agreement in place for every roof you’ve installed?  Think “car dealer” for a minute.  When you buy a brand new car at a dealership, you’re basically expected to get it serviced there for the life of the car, or at least while the warranty is in effect.  Car dealers have the knowledge and expertise, and car owners rely on that expertise.  It’s the same idea for metal roofing.  As the installer (and perhaps designer) of a complex, highly engineered metal panel roof system, you are uniquely qualified with the knowledge and experience to provide semi-annual maintenance and inspection.

How Often Should You Service a Metal Roof?

The roofing industry continues to extol the virtues of semi-annual maintenance.  Even though roofs don’t have moving parts (like an elevator or an AC unit), a roof moves because it expands and contracts with temperature changes.  This movement puts stresses on all seams and joints.  High winds induce significant stresses at seams and fasteners, too.  Debris can collect on the rooftop and in gutters.  Fasteners and seams can become loose or damaged.  Regular maintenance can correct these minor issues before they become major issues.  Regular maintenance can also find potential warranty issues, such as a paint or coating issue.

Start Setting Up Service Contracts

Because fall is around the corner, it’s time to start contacting your network of building owners to set up a service contract.  Some companies may take a couple months to approve a service agreement, so an early start matters.  A service agreement should define the parties involved, the services included, and the fees.  Fees can be based on the square footage of the rooftop, and perhaps can include travel time and mileage expenses.  Service agreements can be a one-time contract, or, preferably, a multi-year contract, with annual increases included.  To help sell a service agreement, let your clients know that most, if not all, manufacturers’ roof warranties require annual maintenance.  If you don’t have a service agreement form for your company, many examples of “roof system service contract” can be found with a Google search.

There may not always be opportunities to install new metal roofs, but there will always be opportunities to service existing metal roofs—twice a year for every metal roof.

Details, Details, Details

Water runs downhill.  And, gravity is our friend.  Yet sometimes we forget these basic concepts when installing metal panel roofing.

When it comes to metal roofing details, a contractor should always think about the flow of water.

Roofing contractors are in the business of controlling water, so let’s install details that allow water to run downhill and let’s use gravity to our advantage.  A more precise way to say it: Implement drainage details that don’t buck water!

Details, details, details

Defending Against Water Leaks

Metal roof penetration and edge details should not rely on sealant as the primary defense against water leaks.  Certainly, sealant is and should be used as a secondary measure against water leaks.  Consider this: A transverse panel seam is created by lapping the upper panel over the lower panel, and sealant is used as a secondary seal.  Installers would never reverse the lap of a transverse seam (where the lower panel is on top of the upper panel), bucking water and relying only on sealant to keep water out.  A penetration detail (e.g., a vent stack or roof curb) should use the same logic.  There’s no doubt that bad details are rooted in low cost and speed of installation, but those are not details that are going to have equal service life to the metal panels on a roof.  A penetration detail is as critical to the long-term success of a metal roof as a transverse seam.

Prefabricated Penetration Details

It’s best to use prefabricated penetration details that have welded or soldered weathertight seams.  The prefabricated piece should be the width of a panel and include the male and female seams, and be seamed into the adjacent panels.  And just like a typical transverse seam, the top edge of the prefabricated piece should be under the upper panel, and the bottom edge of the prefabricated piece should be above the lower panel.  Water is not bucked and seams are fully intact.  That is a long-term penetration detail.

Where proper overlap can’t happen, redundancy is necessary.  A small pipe penetration detail should use a rubber roof jack with added levels of redundancy for weatherproofing.  First, the roof jack should only be installed in the flat of the panel; sealant tape should be installed between the panel and the roof jack; and closely spaced, gasketed fasteners should be installed to create compression on the sealant.

Roofing That Lasts

Metal roofs sell themselves because metal is long-lasting.  And construction details need to be developed and installed with that in mind.  Metal panels don’t leak—the joinery and fastener locations can leak.  Remember to design and build details that have equivalent service life to the panels themselves.  Proper laps are critical, and remember, gravity is our friend.

To learn how to design a roof system that prevents possible infiltration and allows for proper water runoff, take MBCI’s AIA-accredited course, The Devil is in the Details.

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