Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs)

MBCI has EPDs using the LCA results above in conjunction with the MCA for the same core products: cold-formed metal cladding systems and insulated metal panels. They were developed in accordance with ISO 14025 using a third-party reviewed Product Category Rule, or PCR.

EPDs are like product-centric versions of Whole-Building LCAs. Rather than evaluate the environmental impact of the entire building for the actual use scenario, they evaluate the environmental impact of the product as implemented in a hypothetical typical use case. This use case is documented through another type of document called a Product Category Rule.

Many green building evaluation programs are adopting EPD requirements, including LEED v4. How the EPDs are actually used is specific to the program. Some require simply collecting and evaluating EPDs, while others require some kind of optimization process to be performed.

EPD for roll formed steel panels (MCA)

EPD for roll formed steel panels (MBMA)

EPD for primary framing (MBMA)

EPD for secondary framing (MBMA)

Product Category Rules for creating EPDs


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